Nuffle Labs, an independent entity derived from the NEAR Foundation, has announced that it will be renamed MoreMarkets, and MoreMarkets plans to launch a beta version of its mainnet on April 19. MoreMarkets aims to generate revenue opportunities from XRP, DOGE, and other non-EVM tokens on different decentralized exchanges (DEXs) without leaving its original network. The company is developing a DeFi stack that mixes deposit pools, cross-chain messaging, and earnings aggregation to help these asse...
NEAR 基金会衍生而来的独立实体 Nuffle Labs 宣布更名为 MoreMarkets,MoreMarkets 计划于 4 月 19 日推出其主网测试版。 MoreMarkets 旨在从不同去中心化交易所 (DEX) 上的 XRP、DOGE 和其他非 EVM 代币中创造收益机会,而无需离开其原始网络。该公司正在开发一个 DeFi 堆栈,将存款库、跨链消息传递和收益聚合混合在一起,以帮助这些资产为 DEX 和其他活跃的 DeFi 链提供流动性。
Nuffle Labs, an independent entity spun off from the NEAR Foundation, has announced a partnership with EigenLayer. The NEAR DA and NFFL AVS teams are developing a new protocol, the Nuff Protocol, which will allow validators to re-pledge on any blockchain and settle on EigenLayer, with the aim of expanding EigenLayer into a multi-chain platform.
On July 5th, Nuffle Labs, an independent entity spun off from the NEAR Foundation, released a technology roadmap that will focus on providing modular infrastructure for other projects in the last two quarters of 2024. The specific roadmap includes: The NEAR Fast Finality Layer NFFL mainnet will be launched early in the third quarter; Cross-chain interactive NFFL applications will be developed in the third quarter; NEAR DA stateless verification will reduce NEAR validator hardware requirements in...
7月5日消息,由NEAR基金会脱离出来的独立实体Nuffle Labs发布技术路线图,将在2024年最后两个季度将专注于为其他项目提供模块化基础设施。具体路线图包括:第三季度初将启动NEAR快速最终性层NFFL主网;第三季度将开发跨链交互NFFL应用程序;NEAR DA无状态验证将在第三季度降低NEAR验证器硬件要求;Chain Signatures将于第三季度在主网推出,Chain Signatures是一个利用MPC技术的新协议,允许NEAR账户将...
The NEAR Foundation established Nuffle Labs and received a $13 million grant. The fundraising also includes external investors such as Electric Capital, Canonical Crypto, Fabric Ventures, Robot Ventures, Caladan, and Lyrik Ventures, which will drive the growth and decentralization of the NEAR ecosystem. Nuffle Labs will leverage NEAR's products to provide data availability and a fast final layer.
NEAR基金会成立了Nuffle Labs,并获得了1300万美元的资助。此次募资还包括Electric Capital、Canonical Crypto、Fabric Ventures、Robot Ventures、Caladan 和 Lyrik Ventures等外部投资者,这将推动NEAR生态系统的发展和去中心化。 Nuffle Labs将利用NEAR的产品提供数据可用性和快速最终层。